Balloon Modelling

Manchester’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2006

Manchester’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade – 12th February 2006

On a freezing cold Sunday morning in Manchester, members of The Order of the Magi, their wives, partners, families and supporters could be found battling the wintry conditions to support Manchester’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Manchester has hosted the UK’s largest parade for a number of years now and 2006 was no different. Continue reading

North West Dealers’ Day Report 2005

North West Dealers’ Day Report
12th November 2005


The intended subtitle for this report had been ‘Bird’s-Eye-View’, until He Who Must Be Obeyed (Geoffrey Newton), considered the non-p.c. connotations, especially in a society with only 1% female membership, inappropriate, no matter how tongue-in-cheek.

The long-established NWDD has now reached its third year in the enthusiastic and capable hands of the Order of the Magi. Continue reading