Presidential Wordsearch Prize Competition
If you include the individuals who have served more than one separate term, The Order of the Magi has had 75 past Presidents, and has just welcomed our 76th President – Darren Lee.
What better way to celebrate, but with a Competition, and a mystery prize!
Below, you will find a Wordsearch including all 75 past Presidents’ surnames – find them all, and you could be the winner of something (seriously – the prize is so mysterious, they haven’t told me what it is!).
We have supplied the wordsearch as both a jpg image and a pdf file to download. Either print the wordsearch out and highlight all the names using a pen, or if you have the software and knowledge, perhaps you could highlight the names digitally in photoshop etc!
Once you have found the names of all 75 magicians who have been president of the oldest magic club in Manchester, email a photo of your finished wordsearch to or DM it via our Twitter account or Facebook page.

The Rules:
Completed entries must be received by Midnight on Sunday 31st May 2020 (BST). One entry per person. Members of The Order of The Magi are welcome to enter (except for the Secretary – because he created the Wordsearch, and the Webmaster). The winner will be announced on our Twitter account and informed by Twitter / Facebook / email.
We will randomly draw one lucky winner from the pool of completed & correct entries, on, or shortly after Monday 1st June 2020.
No cash alternative offered to the (as yet unknown) prize. No correspondence will be entered into. Assume that this competition is primarily is for fun. Stay at home and wash your hands. Eat your greens. Listen to your mother – she knows best. We are not laughing at Val Valentino now, are we? The draw for the winner will be done by either the Order of The Magi’s webmaster or secretary.