Information for Guests and Visitors

The Order of the Magi welcomes guest and visiting magicians to almost all of our meetings by prior arrangement with either the President or Secretary (Please see the Contact Us Page).

Magicians who are not members of The Order of The Magi may attend up to THREE lectures per syllabus year (April – March) as a visitor or guest, with the prior agreement of either the President or Secretary of the society. The standard fee for visitors to lectures (as of May 2024) is £10 per visitor per lecture. Any variation to this fee will be displayed alongside the details of the lecture when advertised. After a guest has attended the maximum of three lectures, they may not attend any further lectures within the syllabus year without joining the society, and paying the relevant subscription fee.

Open Events:
Events and activities other than lectures may be advertised as “Open”. These may include Competitions, Social Events, Auctions, Dealers Days and similar. Guests may attend as many of these events as they wish, throughout the year. Any requirements, restrictions or fees for such events will be posted alongside the details for each event.

Restricted Meetings:
A very small number of meetings each year, such as the AGM, will be strictly limited to Members only. Every effort will be made to ensure that these meetings are clearly marked as such on the website & social media.

Other Meetings & Events:
Magicians from outside the area who are visiting the North West who would like to attend one of our other more casual meetings (such as jamming sessions, in-house workshops etc) during their visit, should contact either the President or Secretary for details.

Visitors’ & Guests’ Conduct
We would like to ensure that all our members, lecturers and guests have a thoroughly enjoyable, entertaining and educational time at all Order of The Magi events. To ensure the enjoyment and comfort of our members and other visitors during our meetings and events (including lectures and open events), we would ask that all visitors and guests follow the rules below:

  • Guests may only attend Three Lectures per syllabus year.
  • Guests must have the prior agreement of either the President or Secretary to attend each lecture event (apart from events marked “Open”)
  • Any fees due must be paid to the Treasurer (or their nominated substitute) in cash on arrival at the event.
  • Guests may not bring their own food or drink (of any description) into any Order of The Magi event at the IWHC (or similar hosting venue).
  • Guests must behave in a suitable manner. Please do not swear, interrupt lecturers, or behave in a manner that is likely to upset other attendees.
  • Unless otherwise indicated, photography is welcome at events, for positive review purposes only.
  • Video and Audio recording at any Order of The Magi event is prohibited, without prior permission.
  • Any guest deemed to be breaking any of the rules above, or acting in a manner that is disruptive or inappropriate, may be asked to leave by a member of the committee at the earliest opportunity. In such instances, refunds of any fees paid will not be made.
  • Any guest found to be acting in a disruptive or inappropriate manner may be refused entry to any and all future events.
  • The Order of The Magi reserves the right to refuse entry to any lecture or event of any person.
  • These rules can and will be revised and updated as necessary after a meeting of the committee.
  • If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please contact our Secretary in the first instance, at your earliest opportunity.